Small and Medium Enterprises Loans

Our commitment lies in helping and leading emerging enterprises reach their full potential. Through our loan product that is dedicated to small to medium business, we offer financial assistance that caters to every business' unique needs — from additional capital for business operation or expansion to purchase and acquisition of fixed assets.

 Apply Now 

  • 18 to 65 years old at the end of the loan term
  • Business owners with 2 years profitable operation
  • Any Valid ID
  • 2X2 ID Picture
  • 6 Months Bank Statements
  • Billing Statements
  • Proof of Income
    i. Audited Financial Statements
    ii. Income Tax Return (ITR)
    iii. Valid Business / Mayor’s Permit / DTI Permit
  • Collateral Requirements (photocopies only)
    i. Certified True Copy of Title
    ii. Tax Declaration
    iii. Tax Clearance and Latest Real Estate Tax Receipts
    iv. Vicinity Map / Lot Plan